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Volunteer Positions available
Cabin Leaders: a one week commitment, must be at least 3 years older than the oldest camper during that session.
Camp Counsellors: a one week commitment, 18+ years old.
Director: a one week commitment, responsible for the overall camp experience for campers and volunteers
First Aid Provider: a one week commitment, must have Level 1 First Aid Certification.
Chaplain: a one week commitment, current/retired Ministry Personnel or Lay Worship Leaders preferred. All denominations welcome but must ensure chapel programming is in keeping with United Church of Canada theology and teachings.
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Volunteer Application
To apply for a volunteer position with our Summer Camps,
please complete and submit this application form.
You will be contacted when your application has been reviewed and a decision has been made.
Completing the application process will require additional information.
The information required is in the documents linked at the bottom of this page.
Please review so that you are familiar with all the information that you will be asked to provide.
All applicants over the age 16 years MUST have a Criminal Record Check.
Make a note to use this code:
For additional information, please Email: campkoolaree.registrar@gmail.com
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Additional Forms for Volunteer Applicants to complete before being confirmed.
Volunteer’s Health Certificate
to be completed by your doctor
Volunteer’s Health Information
can be completed online
Volunteer’s Contract
to be completed upon accepting a position
These forms can be completed online or downloaded and printed to complete when requested and mailed to the Camp Koolaree address at the bottom of this page.
If you are able, they can be scanned/saved and sent as an email attachment to: