The last day of May turned out to be a great day for a work party at Camp Koolaree. The weather was perfect and the lake was as smooth as glass.
On arrival we realized our water inlet had been moved out of position by the force of the spring runoff in Eight Mile Creek. Norm and Theo were able to deal with that and then turned their attention to the big job of trying to free up the chains that were caught on the pilings and pulling our floats under as the lake rises.
They managed to free one, but the second required the assistance of many helpers who pulled off their shoes and stood in the icy water on the corner of the partially submerged dock. Their combined weight was enough to relieve the pressure on the chain and Norm was able to fish it up with a long pike pole. A big cheer went up when the dock surged upwards.
They managed to free one, but the second required the assistance of many helpers who pulled off their shoes and stood in the icy water on the corner of the partially submerged dock. Their combined weight was enough to relieve the pressure on the chain and Norm was able to fish it up with a long pike pole. A big cheer went up when the dock surged upwards.
Some of the crew busied themselves by raking up pine needles that were scattered over the volleyball court and hauled them down to the fire pit to be burned on another occasion. Others fanned out and cleared pathways or swept out buildings. Michelle made many laps around the playing field with our little mower and it wasn’t long before she had finished and the area looked trim and tidy again.
I busied myself at the water treatment building getting everything put back together and trying to set up the bleach injector. For some reason the water pressure was low and I didn’t get a chance to flush out the system. At least there were no leaks to deal with and next trip we’ll be able to look for the source of the low pressure and try to get the system filled, flushed and ready. In the washroom I cleaned the screens in the shower heads and they now spray as they should. If anyone wants a cold shower, go ahead.
I wasn’t able to get around to take photos of everyone, but did get to make quite a few trips back and forth across the lake in the Aroliner. Our new outboard motor is working fine, but until we get a few more hours usage, we have to keep the revs down to let the motor break-in.
Besides me, there were a dozen workers who came out and enjoyed the day while doing the usual cleanup jobs that have to get done at this time of the year. Many thanks to: Norm Whitehouse, Theo Huitema, Michelle and Kelsey Matson, Pauline Cottet (Rotary exchange student from Switzerland), Robin, Linn, and Eirin Murray, Diana Plett and her sons Jacob and Thomas and last but not least, Peter Herd, Chair of the Board.
The next work party is scheduled for Wednesday June 11th. If you’re able to come, sign up through the Koolaree website or send me an e-mail. Knowing who and how many are coming will make a difference in what gets done.
Ray Lundquist, coordinator
Boats and Buildings Team
Camp Koolaree