Sam* is in foster care and so is often moving around from home to home in our area. The one place that remains constant in Sam’s life, the one place that is always home year after year, is Camp Koolaree. Not surprisingly though, Sam needs financial assistance to return every summer. Your gift to the Koolaree campership fund will make sure that Sam and other children in situations like Sam’s will never be turned away from camp because they can’t afford the tuition.
Sylvia* is a single mother of two girls. She works multiple jobs trying to make ends meet, but there is really no extra money for experiences like summer camp for her children. Thanks to past campership donations, both girls have had a few summers at camp. Sylvia has watched her teenaged daughter grow in confidence, not only coming to Koolaree as a camper but returning as a volunteer leader, paying forward what she can to younger campers. Sylvia wants to see her younger daughter develop those same leadership skills. Won’t you help out families like Sylvia’s by donating to the Koolaree campership fund?
(*names changed to protect privacy)

Koolaree Canoes — Summer 2021